Bump for later reading.
Thanks you for posting.
Are you the author of the commentary following the text of the original document?
Billthedrill is the author of the “critiques”, and I am the author of the occasional vignettes that follow the text.
It is very interesting writing to attempt, mainly for the pace. Certain commentators have stated that this sort of barrage in the New York newspapers on the part of Hamilton, Madison, and Jay would have been impossible to answer. We're finding out what that might have been like, because the pace we're attempting is not far off that of the original publication. It turns out to be very demanding writing.
We have the advantages of rapid computer-based research as well as hours in a library that would have made any of the authors green with envy, not to mention that we're using turbocharged word processors where these guys had quill pens. I honestly don't know how they managed it.
Publius sees my small contribution a few days before he posts our joint effort here, (and thank God for that - he's cleaned up an awful lot of embarrassing stuff), and is probably tapping his foot in impatience while I try to wrap my head around the 20,000-odd words of the Pennsylvania Minority Report - it's comin', Pub', it's comin' - wherein Samuel Bryan will get a chance to blast back at Hamilton, who's had the field pretty much to himself the last couple of weeks. What order we do this in is a strategic Publius decision. I wish him luck with that... ;-)