Rand Paul should have known better. That was a really, really, really, really STUPID move on his part.
It’s great that Blackwell is carrying his water, but conservative candidates need to get unstuck from stupid.
Yes, Rand Paul needs to get out of the philosophical classroom and get into the reality of a campaign. While we conservatives all agree that private property rights are sacrosanct, we shouldn’t be engaged in some philosophical connundrum about whether people can make up any rule as they please on their own property. I can’t rape or murder at my own personal place of business. I can’t disriminate on the basis of race at my own personal place of business either. Period!!!
Absolutely it was STUPID by Paul. But I would suggest that Steele’s reaction to this in the media (just like he has responded to other MSM-created stories on Rush or any racial issue) is equally STUPID by Steele.
What you said.
Why is it stupid? Because it might hurt someone’s feelings?
My gosh, look around you! The Civil Rights movement was about equal rights!!! It has morphed in to special rights, not equal rights!!