We shouldn't have to. The 14th Amendment does not authorize 'anchor babies'
"Every Person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, is by virtue of natural law and national law a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the Government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons."
Senator Jacob Howard, co-author of the citizenship clause of the 14th Amendment, 1866.
Also see this thread for what 'subject to the jurisdiction thereof' really means.
Given that language, how has it come about that we let these babies be citizens?
I like what you’ve posted and particularly thank you for the link at the bottom. It was good reading. But the 14th Amendment wasn’t the total reason for our present law, which is based on case law: United States v. Wong Kim Ark, 169 U.S. 649 (1898). (See my post #13 for more details.)
I want to add something. The present Govenor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, was born in the U.S. to parents who were citizens of India. They were legal alien residents and their son is considered to be a native born citizen but not a natural born citizen (Jindal is not eligible to be President).
I firmly believe that the Wong Kim Ark case legal determination has been corrupted. Wong’s parents were legal resident aliens who, because of a treaty, could not naturalize as citizens. “The jusisdiction thereof” should not be perverted into covering the babies of illegal aliens.