Watch yourself....this isn't regulation. This is enterprise. There is no watchdog agency demanding he do is consumer demand. And I say more power to him.
I'm sick and tired of the filth that flows into my home through the internet etc....I'm sure this may annoy the porn addicts, but I'm sure there will be some enterprising individual to come up with a device to make such trash available in the same manner if the consumer is willing to pay for it.
Freedom is not your wish to get from others what you want, when you want, when you demand it.
Jobs has the right to make a product that blocks porn. I wonder, though, what he considers “porn” to be. Does it include all those “soft” porn videos on Youtube? “Hard R-rated” movies? Where will he draw the line?
Frankly, I’m neither bothered by, nor an addict to, porn. But if I have a choice, I’ll buy the product that gives me the greatest freedom of access to information.
Agreed...this stuff has been polluting the country for far too’s not about the first amendment...there is no right to use “speech” to damage or vilify. Back in the sixties the Court somehow made this standards...only now its about the community of the world.