“Funny thing, thats the specific question *I* asked SJB and his buddies months ago. Only two freepers answered the question. Two.”
What the heck are you talking about?
Post it!
One, I specifically asked if there was any potential 2012 candidate that gave a specific plan on what to physically do with illegals. No one produced any specifics. A few freepers, though, made the tie in between enforcement, jobs, etc. to getting rid of them, but its all supposition based on other things happening.
As for me, I posted what I'd do last night. And it ain't pretty. I look at all these pro-illegal rallies as a gift to ICE. Why they aren't swooping in with butterfly nets I'll never know.
And FYI, I would ask Sarah and every other 2012 potential that very same question 'what would you specifically do with illegals who are here'. I've even gone so far as to email those who are interviewing candidates to ask that question.
Perhaps the issue is, why isn't anyone actually asking that question?