“Laura was a wonderful First Lady and made us all proud for eight years. She has earned a right to her opinion and I for one will respect it.”
I can respect that opinion..however it is almost a “passive agressive” mentality that has pervaded the last 2 Repub’s holding the White House (Bush 1 and Bush 2)..meaning that they have the apearance of being a conservative family ( the old marm Barbara as an example) yet fullfilling a leftish agenda with trade and economic policies
I think the one true patriot if Bush 2 admin was Cheney...we had a opportunity to meet with him in D.C. and his concern was for the protection of the U.S. against the terrorist..
As far as Jeb Bush goes..God Forbid!! He’d be like a T.Ken wanttabe..(carry on the family tradition)
You mean the new voice of the homosexual agenda, including opening up the military to them?