***Frankly, I have no idea why the rank and file have not been bitching about this for years.***
We have and it has gotten us nowhere. We organized a plant here 31 years ago in this “Right to Work” state. After years of seeing the union bosses support every sleezy dem, and their hatred of Reagan, Bush, and Bush, most of those people who helped organize our union have abandoned the unions. They still have employement because of the “Right to Work” laws.
The Democrat Party is fundamentally in business to ostensibly "help people," i.e., to pay their supporters from the public purse in exchange for their vote, which keeps the payments coming to the payees, and thus keeps the payors in power. The Republican logical basis is to run a minimal government that allows personal enrichment by rewarding intelligence and effort.
The corruption in the Democrat Party is endemic. In the Republican Party (fundamentally a minority) the corruption lies in deal-making to make sure those who get wealthy can stay that way by rewarding the Republican Party for protecting their assets. The difference between the two parties is obvious. The Democrats are acting on their principles, which are harmful in themselves. The Republicans, especially of late, are acting contrary to their principles, which harms everyone.
The electoral choice is, "Who's, or what's worse?" Hell of a situation for the country.