Sarah endorses Susana Martinez for governor of New Mexico.
Bill Richardson was our congressman when Rio Arriba was first in heroin deaths per capita in the nation.
He distinguished himself by being too corrupt for Obama to be Commerce Secretary--consider what that entails.
David Iglesias dragged his heels going after Manny Aragon--who makes Bill Richardson look like Mr. Rogers--consider what that entails.
Domenici staff couldn't explain to me why he voted for campaign finance reform--but a politician who would know said, "they didn't want that vote used against them."
Between Bruce King and Bill Richardson was Gary Mitchell--but when the entire state is sanctuary, as is the largest city Albuquerque and the capital city Santa Fe, it takes major courage to stand on the ballot as this woman has done.
Look at North Mexico as the proof the new demo Republicans sought in 2006 (listen up, John McCain and your BFF Lindsey Graham) the new Mexican voter will vote Democrat.
Domenici was problematic but Udall is a commie schmuck.
But America is waking up, and getting active.
Americans can do anything they set their mind to.