It isn’t causing division anymore than Clinton’s daliences. It is just part of the overall picture and I think many of us are arguing on all fronts about policy from the WH and Congress.
This vanity is nothing more than a regular visit by a seminar caller.
I know a guy that has multiple accounts on multiple conservative websites and blogs all for the express intent of stirring the pot on the birther issue. He is an agitator. Every so often he throws a fit to get noticed. His senility carries him like Don Quixote lancing his windmills of delusion from pretend black ops to conspiracies to overthrow the US through the Tea Party Patriots. Not familiar with the names but his style of writing and fighting is unmistakable.
For all the talk of getting to the “bottom of the matter” the point remains that this is a vanity with the sole purpose of causing arguments within the conservative community that really don’t amount to much. Few outside the usual suspects care one wit. Truth is no one outside this thread really cares except we must endure the President, his wife, a leftist comedy hack writer, and a few operatives to stir up the birthers once in a while.
Non birthers cry not this shit again.
For all those leftist operatives sitting behind your monitors, calling radio hosts, blogging, and tweeting the fewer and fewer friends you have here’s the truth, your asses are out in 2010. We know you are scared to death. Better be. Your asses are out, birth certificate or no birth certificate.
I feel better.