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Conservatives throwing away allies by ZOTting gay trolls.
Hillbuzz ^ | May 8 2010 | Hillbuzz

Posted on 05/08/2010 10:24:28 PM PDT by d55may

This is another instance of breaking the Fourth Wall, but we want to share something that happens consistently to us that we’re just incredibly puzzled by, since we don’t see how behavior like this helps in any way to remove the current president and his corrupt party from power.

That’s our goal, see, and it’s something we are putting everything we have into. We put everything we had into stopping Obama from becoming president from 2007-2008 because we knew what he would do to this country. We did everything we could to stop him in the primaries. We put aside all of our preconceptions and personal bad feelings for the Republican Party and started up Democrats for McCain efforts — in Chicago, of all places — to do all we could to stop him from winning the general election. Post-election, we’ve done everything we could to rally as many people out there as possible to thwart his insane plans as much as possible. We do this because we love this country and do not want to see it go backwards — or, worse, to fall into ruin like Greece or other failed European, South American, or African states, the way this president wants the United States to become “just one of 190 countries in the world”. We truly believe this man wants to abdicate America’s, and the West’s, supremacy in the world…which benefits only this country’s enemies, most especially the would-be Global Caliphate of Islam.

So, we’ve put everything on the line to do everything we can every day to defeat Democrats in the coming November elections, always with an eye on making sure Obama does not get a second term in 2012. The Democrat Party needs to be taken down, completely destroyed, with the Earth salted so that Leftists can never again have so much sway over our government.

To say we are pretty committed is an understatement. These efforts have cost us everything, but it’s all worth it if we can help in any way to foil Obama’s plans.

So, considering all of this, it’s head-scratchingly bizarre that we are routinely attacked not just by the Left (which has reason to attack us), but the Right as well.

We’ve told you this before, about threads we read on Redstate and Ace of Spades, where moderators allow anti-gay comments to flourish — and there’s a decision made behind the scenes, clearly, to allow homophobia to run rampant on sites such as these which have a policy of banning people who bring up Birtherism or Trutherism and other things Redstate and Ace have decided they do not want to be associated with. So, when comments that are anti-gay are allowed to stand, while others are purposefully removed because they embarrass those sites, we have no other conclusion to draw other than Redstate and Ace believe homophobia is hilariously funny and something they want to embrace with relish.

It’s the same garbage over at Free Republic as well. Check out this thread, where someone posted a link to the Ann Coulter piece we did a few days ago.

It is almost instantly filled up with the most sophomoric, vile anti-gay jokes and sentiment imaginable.

Thankfully, some commenters scolded those responsible, but there really is a sickness amongst some people who call themselves both “religious” and “conservative”, who enjoy posting pictures with a “fudge-packing” theme.

We’d like to address this for a minute, while also giving some pushback to the apocryphal meme on the Right that enjoys attacking PUMAs and paradoxically blaming us for a McCain defeat in 2008 (when more Democrats voted for McCain than voted for Reagan in 1980…meanwhile, 6 million Republicans sat their sorry butts home because McCain was not “Reagan” enough for them, so they allowed what they claimed would be “Carter II” to become president, insisting he wouldn’t “be that bad”. Jackasses).

First of all, if you, in the year 2010, are making fudge-packing jokes, there’s a 99% chance you are gay yourself and either won’t admit it, are terrified of someone figuring you out, or you are too stupid or too much of an alcoholic to accept your own reality.

Those jokes aren’t funny, guys. Maybe they were before the advent of the internet, television, or even the radio. Maybe they were funny before people could read and write. Heck, there are people out there who think Carrot Top and Cedric the Entertainer are funny, so it’s true there is no accounting for taste. But, posting a picture of a fudge-factory to randomly take a swipe at gay guys — WHO ARE ON YOUR SIDE — is just so pointless and counterproductive.

Just how gay are YOU that you need to seize every possible opportunity to take a smack against someone else who’s gay?

Because we picture you sneaking into your mother’s basement, where you still live, at 42, and gingerly pulling back the old plaid blanket you use as a room divider. You creep behind the curtain and carefully unstack piles of Sports Illustrateds and Playboys you use as camouflage, to reveal hidden plastic milk crates full of all your treasures: the complete collected works of Barbara Streisand on mint-condition vinyl, vintage muscle posing strap catalogs from the 50s, your Charlie Crist for Senate campaign memorabilia, and an admittedly impressive collection of My Little Ponies. You won’t admit to your mother or anyone else that you are secretly gay, and you think nobody on Earth knows about your secret stash. You honestly believe no one suspects the reason you don’t have a girlfriend is that you “just haven’t met the right one yet”, and you think people really buy “it’s the economy, and I’m just saving up for a downpayment on a place” as the reason you still live with your mother. At 42. In her basement. While playing with dolls.

So, of course, to deflect attention off yourself, you seize every opportunity available to you to “rag on dem fags”. Hence, your fudge-packing photos.

What a clear sign of projection.

Which also ties into the weird attacks on PUMAs that still turn up on sites like Free Republic.

John McCain would be president today if 6 million Republicans hadn’t sat their sorry butts home on Election Day 2008, “to teach the GOP a lesson”. It’s as simple as that, folks. He lost states by the slimmest of margins because Republicans did not give him the support they gave to George W. Bush in 2004. Meanwhile, more Democrats crossed the aisle and voted for McCain/Palin than ever before in history. There were more Democrats for McCain/Palin than there were Reagan Democrats in 1980. We at HillBuzz are not anomalous. In every state where we have friends and family, people who voted Democrat blindly their entire lives pulled the lever for McCain/Palin and thus cast a Republican ballot for the first time ever. It was an immense culture shock to do so — like an all expenses paid sojourn to BizarroWorld in many cases, but we did it.

George Soros and the others behind the September financial meltdown gave Obama a lock on the election — when coupled with those 6 million conservatives who sat on the couches, in their diapers, and refused to vote for McCain. That is established fact.

Obama did not win, as the MSM loves to insist, because of an overwhelming surge of black, college-age, and first time immigrant voters that will guarantee Democrats a permanent majority forever. That is Orwellian propaganda from the Ministry of Truth, aka, our agenda-driven national media. Obama won because conservatives let him win. Conservatives dropped the ball and sat their sorry butts home.

You can continue to bizarrely attack Democrats who crossed the aisle to vote for McCain all you want, but you look insane doing it. Your argument is untenable and ridiculous, and goes something like: ”It’s all those PUMAs fault. There weren’t enough of them to make up for the 6 million conservatives who didn’t vote, so I hate PUMAs and gays are all fudge-packers and uh, Ma, I’m on the Internet, leave me alone, NO! I don’t want any more Fruit Roll-Ups. GEEEEESH!”.

You are a closeted gay male who is self-hated, so you project this by posting “fudge-packing” photos attacking gays.

You are a loser conservative who sat his ass home in 2008 “to teach the GOP a lesson” and now realize how mentally ill you were, so you project the contempt you feel for your self and your incredibly poor decisions on Democrats like us who did everything we could — at immense persona cost — to stop Obama from becoming president and destroying this country.

What did you do in the 2008 campaign to help Republicans win? We bet you sat your ass on the couch, or maybe you spent your time on message boards telling other conservatives they should stay home on election day “to teach the GOP a lesson”. That’s been your ridiculous, pathetic little mantra for umpteen years now. And yet, you have no idea how intensely foolish you are…because the DNC is what’s always been encouraging that garbage. It only helps the Left to think that way, or to do off on one of your insane third-party Libertarian jags. ”Keep it up”, the DNC cheers, “this is how we keep winning elections when only 20% of the country is Liberal, but damn near 60% of the conservative base is foolish enough to fall for this amateur hour garbage!”.

We’d like to see a day when Redstate, Ace of Spade, Free Republic, and other conservative sites wise up and start policing their comments and content for anti-gay attacks, the same as they moderate for racist jabs. We’re 100% positive posters would be banned for making racial jokes, using the “n-word”, and posting images relating to anti-black stereotypes. The fudge-packing tripe was acceptable to sites like this, but we’re sure pictures of watermelon eating contests or lynchings would be verboten. As they should be.

The real irony in all of this is just how much damage conservatives do to themselves by attacking gays — and they don’t even realize it.

Lesbians, in particular, are naturally conservative, but the Right doesn’t realize this. Ever go shopping with a lesbian? It’s an all-day, sometimes all-week process, to find the best deal on something. Lesbians will drive hours out of their way to save $10 on something, if they calculate the gas mileage and wear on the car comes out to $7.00 or less for the trip, if they net a $1.50 savings at least on that item, they are buying it clear across town. They are like this with everything. It’s amazing. They honestly should be Republicans — every last one of them, from Ellen down to Rosie with every lesbian in between. Republicans one and all.

The reason they aren’t Republicans is because they don’t feel welcome in the GOP, because of the very loud and vocal anti-gay contingent, particularly those that call themselves “religious”. So, women who should be voting their economic best interests…who should not be paying enormous taxes as property owners to fund the graft and corruption that benefits only the black community and other Democrat pet voting blocs (because, face it, the DNC does not send any money to lesbians, and does not fund any largesse in the LGBTQ community…which is an island left to fend for itself at all times)…consistently vote Democrat because they don’t really have another option.

People making those fudge-packing, anti-gay remarks take that option away from them.

The same is true for gay men, but they are not as sensible and financially savvy as lesbians. Gay men don’t care what happens to their money, by and large, and often spend their entire paychecks the weekend of pay day. We wish that wasn’t true, but it is. So, before they can vote in their economic best interests they need a better handle on economics in general. What keeps them voting Democrat is the fact that Redstate, Ace of Spades, Free Republic, and other sites keep reinforcing all the boogeyman stereotypes the Left puts out about Republicans. 99% of gay men believe everything they hear Anderson Cooper or Keith Olbermann say on TV. ”Republicans are evil, Brenden, I heard it from some guy who saw it on TV.” ”Oh, I know, Brenden #2, they are so evil. I heard from someone who said he was told by the guy at the Starbucks, you know, the really cute one, that those religious people hate us and make those fudge-packer jokes, and so I just hate them back and anyone who is gay that votes Republican is a Jewish Nazi”. ”Oh, Brenden, that’s totally deep.” ”I know, right, Coop said it the other day, and he’s just totally dreamy”.

We wish we were kidding. That’s practically an actual conversation in Boystown.

Gay men don’t stop to think about how much voting Republican would benefit them, because the Left has effectively prevented them from ever considering the option by promoting the meme that gay men voting GOP are “Jewish Nazis”…and are only giving support to the ignorant, bigoted, loudmouth, “religious” idiots like those posting that fudge-packing photo.

So, every time a conservative lets one of these people get away with that garbage — and every time Redstate, Ace, or Free Republic allows a photo like that to be displayed and an attitude like that to stand — you are only helping the Left.

We could write 25,000 more words on the subject, and we still won’t be able to come up with any way to get that to sink in for those of you out there who are either too stupid or too blind to realize this — BUT YOU ARE CONSISTENTLY ALIENATING NATURAL ALLIES WHEN YOU ALLOW HOMOPHOBIA TO STAND UNCHALLENGED IN CONSERVATIVE RANKS.

2008 proved, definitively, that a few votes here and there make all the difference in the world.

We all know nothing will ever magically increase the intelligence of conservative voters who choose to sit home and let someone like Obama win, because they want “to teach the GOP a lesson”. These people have serious mental problems if they really believe that’s what they are accomplishing. You might as well just consider those fools to be Democrat votes all along.

BUT, we truly believe in 10-15 years a sizable portion of the LGBTQ vote could indeed be going to the GOP — if only these ignorant bigots would stop handing these votes to the Left by encouraging and promoting the stereotypical hate the Left uses to paint conservatives as boogeymen.

There is truly no reason on Earth for a conservative to ever attack us here at HillBuzz.

If your goal is to stop Obama, then we are on your side.

If your goal is to defeat every Democrat in office currently, then we are on your side.

If your goal is to see Sarah Palin in the White House, then we are on your side.

If you’re one of those khaki pants and blue blazer little Romney punks, then we’re kind of your worst nightmare because we’re going to make sure he, Tim Pawlenty, Mitch Daniels, and other cucumbers-and-mayonnaise bland losers do NOT get the GOP nomination.

But, if you’re a firebrand, take-no-prisoners, in-your-face, boot-the-socialists-from-office conservative, then we hope you have sense enough to accept an ally that’s not only ready and willing to fight to the end — but who is battle-tested, field-trained, and runs a daily operation with readership in the tens of thousands and is laser-focused on defeating the absolute worst president this nation has ever had.

Attacking us is counter productive.

We understand the hits we take from the Left on a daily basis — clearly, we are effective on some level, or they would just leave us alone and ignore us. The fact we’re such a high target for them must mean we’re doing something right.

So, it makes no sense for the Right to take punches at us too.

We really wish those of you out there who frequent Redstate, Ace, and Free Republic would put a stop to that garbage. Trolls can indeed be banned. They should be banned.

If your goal is to win in 2010 and in 2012, we just can’t see the logic in alienating any allies…and, longterm, we just don’t understand why you want to keep throwing away the LGBTQ vote when the only thing you have to do to start winning it is to just stop the sophomoric hate and insipid anti-gay jokes.

That’s it.

Cut that crap out, initiate zero tolerance policies towards it, and win more elections.

It is that simple, folks.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Miscellaneous; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
KEYWORDS: attacksongays; conservative; homosexualagenda; whiningliberals; zot
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To: freespirited

Is it really? Then I apologize for my ignorane. In any case I agree with you the fudge packing jokes are totally unfunny although I once saw a really funny picture of Rahm Emmannual in the shower posted here

101 posted on 05/09/2010 7:04:44 AM PDT by MNDude (The Republican Congress Economy--1995-2007)
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To: d55may

I’m offended by all the anti-”religious” references in this article! I could throw a hissy fit, or I could ignore it, MY choice.

This group at Hillbuzz occasionally is spot on with comments, articles, etc. about fiscal conservatism, small government, and the like—BUT...

Complaining about nasty pictures, fine. I don’t like them either! I would rather remain innocent even at my advanced age (48) of some of the realities of life out there in the world!! But out of how many daily postings? 300,000+ members are on FR, does that mean all they do all day is post nasty anti-gay comments and pictures??? Yet Hillbuzz complains about how many comments (which are usually zotted by admin mods if they cross the line anyway, whatever subject they are related to) that ‘offend’ their sensibilities? Seriously, I’ve been on FR for more than half a decade, and while there are those here who STRONGLY express their views about homosexuality and the ‘gay agenda’, I would bet those comments are in the <3% range if ALL comments are taken into account. You can’t take a broad paintbrush and attack the entire GROUP at FR because someone’s crossed the line with an offensive photo/s! (Don’t get me started on the Helen Thomas pics, shudders)

As far as the attacks by Hillbuzz on the “religious” members of FR and the GOP, again, within the group as a whole, the number of people who would be posting nasty ‘fudge packer’ pics is tiny—my guess it could probably even be DU/KAOS/HuffPo lurkers who have signed up and are ‘crashing’ FR with crap like is being described, just to stir up crap for the fun of it. (Yes, I don my cybermathazard suit and lurk on the LSD (liberal/leftists,statists, democrats) websites to see what they think and one pic or comment on FR cannot even compare to the vile spew put out in those places on a daily basis!)

And I’m sorry, but “religious” viewpoints ARE part of the platform of the Republican party! I don’t have the statistics, but the GOP mirrors AMERICA in that a large majority of those in the party are of Judeo/Christian backgrounds/beliefs.
The Holy Scriptures for both groups (TORAH & HOLY BIBLE) are adamant in the stand that HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN. There is no leeway, no halfway-ness about it—GOD hates HOMOSEXUALITY. Note: NOT HOMOSEXUALS. There is a big difference. Sorry, guys, but while I love your conservative viewpoints about fiscal issues and small government, etc. that fact is—YOU ‘PLAY FOR THE OTHER TEAM’ WHICH IS ANATHEMA TO THOSE WITH “RELIGIOUS” VIEWPOINTS. Do we hate you? No. Most people I know pray for homosexuals to come to God, “hate the sin, love the sinner’ (which applies to ALL sins). Are there hateful people in the world? Yes, go check out the daily blatherings at the DUmp, KAOS, and HuffPo, not to mention tv media idiots like Olbermann, Maddow, Mathews, etc... Is FR a ‘hate speech’ center? NO. NO. A thousand times, NO. Yes, there are ‘fringes’ in EVERY group EVERYWHERE. FR is no exception.

But to attack the ENTIRE site as being bigoted and ‘homophobic’ (btw, I’m not afraid of homosexuals or homosexuality and I’m certainly not ‘in the closet’ for speaking out against that particular lifestyle CHOICE) is just wrong. If you separate the GOP from the “religious”, like Hillbuzz would like to happen in a ‘perfect’ world, you know what you get?

The DNC. So, sorry, guys/gals at Hillbuzz. NO CAN DO.

The Judeo/Christian God IS intolerant—of SIN. That is the basis of the Ten Commandments, the basis of our law/justice system, the basic foundation of our country, America. We are called to be like God (in Christianity, when God looks at us, He sees JESUS CHRIST) in our beliefs. We cannot vacillate on SIN. HE calls homosexuality sin. WE are to call it sin as well. Otherwise, we are not faithful to Him, and there is no difference between us and those who condone sinful behavior and choices.

102 posted on 05/09/2010 7:14:16 AM PDT by pillut48 ("Stand now. Stand together. Stand for what is right."-Gov.Sarah Palin, "Going Rogue" ><>)
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To: ransomnote

Farrah Fawcett has no comment.

103 posted on 05/09/2010 7:55:46 AM PDT by pillut48 ("Stand now. Stand together. Stand for what is right."-Gov.Sarah Palin, "Going Rogue" ><>)
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To: NYCslicker

You don’t have a clue, do you.

You should do a FR search using the keywords “homosexual agenda”.

Read up for a while.

Then we can talk.

104 posted on 05/09/2010 7:56:40 AM PDT by little jeremiah ( - Good herb formulas made by a friend)
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To: AwesomePossum

Here’s the polite way of saying “packing fudge”:

A man attempting to achieve sexual gratification by sticking his sexual organ into the anus/exretory orifice of another man.

Or, as happens increasingly, a very stupid woman. And a stupid man. Like trying eat by putting food in your ear.

There! Much more polite.

105 posted on 05/09/2010 8:01:29 AM PDT by little jeremiah ( - Good herb formulas made by a friend)
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To: NYCslicker

Wise up on the agenda! People already posted about it! Forcing homosexual crap in schools, workplace, the military now they want to have open homosexuals (DADT is bad enough and should be rolled back), look what homosexuals in the Catholic Church did! Civil unions, “marriage”, fighting over the kids that were artificially inseminated - have “parents” on the birth cert instand of mother and father - homosexuals in Big Brothers and Big Sisters - homosexual counselors in schools telling kids “you’re gay” - Day of Silence - come on!

Homosexuals as adotive or foster parents, no one can not hire them/rent to them etc for being sexual deviants - it’s all about the AGENDA! If they kept their perversion to themselves no one WOULD KNOW AND NO ONE WOULD CARE!

Problem is, they don’t want to keep it to themselves! They’re shoving it down everyones’ throats via legislation and much of it by activist judges! They’re on the rampage!


106 posted on 05/09/2010 8:24:01 AM PDT by little jeremiah ( - Good herb formulas made by a friend)
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To: Graybeard58

Someone should start it if they haven’t yet.

107 posted on 05/09/2010 8:24:42 AM PDT by little jeremiah ( - Good herb formulas made by a friend)
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To: NYCslicker

If some percentage of homosexuals already vote R (and they do), they aren’t discouraged by people on FR not kissing their ***. And if people on FR (they won’t, btw) start kissing their ***, guarantee no more percentage of them will vote R. The only difference is that free speech on FR will be gone.

But that’s just theoretical because it won’t happen.

108 posted on 05/09/2010 8:26:42 AM PDT by little jeremiah ( - Good herb formulas made by a friend)
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To: d55may

“Conservatives throwing away allies by ZOTting gay trolls.”

A man or woman who self identifies by who or what they pervert Gods’ laws with is not now, never was and will never be a conservative.

109 posted on 05/09/2010 8:28:25 AM PDT by Grunthor (Over YOUR dead body!)
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To: little jeremiah

If you want to change from debating ideas to attacking my knowledge base, its your decision to take that approach. Its not the approach I would take, because it is a weak way to try to prove your point: “I’m right because you are uninformed.” That last time I heard that was from Obama about health care.

But again its your choice how you choose to argue your case.

I’ll stand by the ideas I’ve stated. If you want to go back to debating those and not attacking my knowledge base, feel free to rejoin the debate.

110 posted on 05/09/2010 8:29:53 AM PDT by NYCslicker
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To: little jeremiah

I’ve understood your point since you first stated it. It not necessary to repeat yourself. My post had nothing to do with accepting the homosexual agenda. It had to do with not discouraging gays that want to vote conservative by openly attacking and ridiculing them. That’s all. Nothing more.

That point is pretty clear from the beginning of my posts on the matter, if you read it, its there. No where did I say conservatives needed to embrace the homosexual agenda.

I’m just making the very practical point: Take the damn votes without going out of your way to insult and offend them.

It’s pretty simple really, and pretty evident from my previous posts.

111 posted on 05/09/2010 8:34:11 AM PDT by NYCslicker
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To: little jeremiah

I think I see the problem.

For some reason you are not wanting to acknowledge the difference between “not kissing their ***” and going out of your way to insult and ridicule them, and to actively drive them away.

There is in fact a difference, of which I’m sure you are aware.

I’m not sure why you do not want to make the distinction, but I won’t insult your intelligence by explaining it to you.

112 posted on 05/09/2010 8:40:23 AM PDT by NYCslicker
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To: NYCslicker

You ignore the homosexual agenda and make noises about “what people do in their bedrooms”.

It’s so far beyond that it’s like you’re pretending to live in the 1950’s.

It’s not about what they do in their bedrooms, it’s about what they do in public bathrooms, highway rest stops, public beaches, public parks, and public schools. And in the halls of government, and in the courtroom.

I could care less what people do in their bedrooms. THEY’RE the ones who took it out of the bedrooms and brought it into the places mentioned above, plus many, many more.

If they don’t like the heat, they should make their sexual fetishes private, as such matters should be.

And sexual deviancy is fair game for jokes or criticism, and if you don’t like it, you don’t have to post on FR. No one’s forcing you.

113 posted on 05/09/2010 8:50:55 AM PDT by little jeremiah ( - Good herb formulas made by a friend)
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To: NYCslicker

What is driving most homosexuals away from voting for conservatives or Republicans, is the fact that conservatives do not pander to the “gay” agenda. It’s not becuase of jokes or the like.

Read the mission statement of GOPround - they attended CPAC and pretend to be conservative but their actual agenda is to push the “GAY” agenda. The only way to appease or attract such homosexuals is to stop being social conseravatives and push the “gay” agenda along with them.

Apparently that’s what you want, I guess.

114 posted on 05/09/2010 8:53:35 AM PDT by little jeremiah ( - Good herb formulas made by a friend)
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To: NYCslicker

You’re acting uninformed, that’s why I assumed you’re uninformed. If you’re not uninformed, then your situation is even worse. You’re ignoring the unconsitutional “gay” agenda which is infiltrating practically every aspect of public life.

That’s the problem, not what sexual deviants do in private. If they kept it private, no one would know or care.

115 posted on 05/09/2010 8:55:16 AM PDT by little jeremiah ( - Good herb formulas made by a friend)
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To: little jeremiah

I’ve addressed the point that a homosexual agenda shouldn’t deprive people of liberty any more than any other agenda should deprive people of liberty. So again you are rehashing a point I’ve already responded to.

“And sexual deviancy is fair game for jokes or criticism, and if you don’t like it, you don’t have to post on FR. No one’s forcing you.”

You can make jokes about a group of people if you choose. My point is that as a practical matter its not a good idea. But if you would rather throw away that support and those votes because you disapprove of a lifestyle, then by all means go right ahead. It’s certainly within your rights.

As for me posting on FR, I am not seeking your approval. Nor did I imply that I was offended. I just think that as a practical matter, it’s a dumb political strategy to discourage conservative-thinking gays, and I would like to see the philosophical base of the Right grow in this country. If it’s only fiscal conservatism that’s better than no conservatism. At least we can balance the budget. I’ll take that over no conservatism, as any reasonable person should.

And that’s not going to happen when we punish people who are thinking conservatively.

116 posted on 05/09/2010 9:08:45 AM PDT by NYCslicker
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To: d55may

Homophobia, a word meaning you won’t allow yourself or your family to be a willing victim of foul sodomites and their mental illnesses.

117 posted on 05/09/2010 9:15:28 AM PDT by Dr.Zoidberg (Warning: Sarcasm/humor is always engaged. Failure to recognize this may lead to misunderstandings.)
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To: little jeremiah

I haven’t said anything about attracting them.

I just said things about not running off the ones that are already voting for conservatives. It’s dumb.

118 posted on 05/09/2010 9:15:44 AM PDT by NYCslicker
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To: little jeremiah

“It’s not about what they do in their bedrooms, it’s about what they do in public bathrooms, highway rest stops, public beaches, public parks, and public schools. And in the halls of government, and in the courtroom.”

If what they do in these places seeks to deprive individuals of liberty to think or choose their own path, then that agenda should be opposed.

If big government seeks to deprive individuals of liberty to think or choose their own path, then that agenda should be opposed.

If people who want to determine others’ sexual preferences seek to deprive individuals of liberty to think or choose their own path, then that agenda should be opposed.

It’s really simple.

119 posted on 05/09/2010 9:19:58 AM PDT by NYCslicker
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To: NYCslicker
And THERE'S the rub:
And that’s not going to happen when we punish people who are thinking conservatively.

You DO realize, don't you, that THINKING and ACTING are two different things? I can say that I'm a Christian and think that I'm a Christian, but if my life doesn't change and I don't follow God's precepts, then I'M NOT REALLY A CHRISTIAN, am I? If homosexuals are THINKING conservatively but not ACTING conservatively, can you draw a similar comparison? THEY AREN'T REALLY CONSERVATIVES. PERIOD. "Conservatives In Name Only", "Conservatives in Wolves' clothing", whatever you want to call it. Sorry they are upset because they have been called on their behavior and not on their 'thinking'. But they AREN'T conservatives, but any definition of the word.
120 posted on 05/09/2010 9:22:17 AM PDT by pillut48 ("Stand now. Stand together. Stand for what is right."-Gov.Sarah Palin, "Going Rogue" ><>)
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