This is really getting bad, congrats liberals, this is exactly what you wanted when you started with this diversity crap, you didn’t like America as a melting pot, so your political correctness has led to hyphenated Americans instead of just Americans, and good job infiltrating the school system and teaching kids that America is bad.
Can’t have a melting pot until somebody turns up the heat.
Exactly what 40+ years of racial pandering in which minorities were NEVER wrong, never RACIST, ALWAYS victims and whites were ALWAYS the heavies.
So what was it that nucklehead VP J.B. said during the campain?.....this “man-child”(my words) will be tested during his first 90days......
Well, IMO, the man-child is in “system overload” like Spencer. Remember the episode from EverybodyLovesRaymond with the kid, ‘Spencer’, the boy genius?
Seems to me that 0Dumbo is pushing for a new civil war. He want’s turmoil. Such that he can claim that he saved Our Country. 0Dumbo truly thinks he will be the modern day Lincoln.
Since 0Dumbo has been manChild-InChief, he has done everything to create AND encourage this situation. Nothing to stop it.