It doesn’t matter that WE know the Democrats are full of crap and that they receive just as much, if not more, than the GOP from Wall St. What matters is that Harry Reid says it and the GOP says nothing in reply because they are afraid of their own shadow for some unknown reason and the statement will sit out there as true because it was never disputed.
I’m beginning to have massive amounts of sympathy for Rush because honest to God, he can’t hold up the entire party of wieners alone. Eric Cantor is the only one with guts. I would SO love to see him run for President. First black president to be replaced with first jewish president.
Reid, along with Obama and Pelosi play to the clueless idiots who get their world view from the Oprah show, Judge Judy and The View.. and they BELIEVE the crap these 3 spew, and these 3 KNOW they’ll believe it. It’s pathetic.
If the GOP were to reply to every idiotic utterance by Pinhead Reid, they'd be spending their whole day doing nothing but responding to his inane vomittings. No one takes this doddering fool seriously. Let his moronic blatherings speak for themselves. Replying to stupidity just makes you look equally stupid--and defensive.