Thank you for the info.
I did donate to the Red Cross for Tennessee ( I don’t usually donate to the Red Cross since the 9-11 debacle) but I did this time.
I told the person on the phone, I am stunned it is not getting more media coverage and National calls for help. When it comes to Haiti or Chile, it goes National, but not when it’s an event here in the U.S.!!
She said she was disappointed in that as well.
And that it is getting local coverage, (but a lot of good that does when everyone is flooded!)
Hope to catch the event tomorrow.
I just read on Instapundit that this is the biggest disaster never covered. One of the commenters said Anderson Cooper last night admitted they missed the story and he is on his way to town. The local FOX station was in the flood zone so they are only broadcasting 2 hrs per day live. Did BIG FOX send anyone? They relied on a guy from Fox Memphis who spent his time on air talking about the Memphis area.
You can see the great video on Newsbusted: