Our President Present has made no statement of any kind except for signing the disaster declaration yesterday.
We have 10 dead in Nashville alone! And they are just hoping as the waters receded they dont find more bodies.
But silence from Obama...AND not a PEEP from Al Gore either. Guess we are just too “red”.
Flood photos of the Navy base in Millington
Facebook page, www.facebook.com/NSAMidSouth
The Shady Oaks Mobile Home park lost 300+ trailers, 7 feet of water in them. We are very water logged in Millington too. This is more damage than the 1987 flood.
His inaction, as well as the press’ non-coverage of it, speaks volumes.
Not trying to be too sarcastic, but perhaps the way he’s handling things, and his inability to do anything practical to deal with crises, you guys may be better off without Obama and his keystone cops down there. At least you won’t have feds coming around diarming you. Just don’t let the locals disarm you.