Airtran Flight 681 RSW to MKE
AirTran Airways 681 RSW to MKE
Status Scheduled - On Time
Departure RSW (Southwest Florida International Airport) May 04, 2010 18:17
Arrival MKE (General Mitchell Airport) May 04, 2010 20:15
Carrier FL (AirTran Airways)
Aircraft Type 717
Departure Arrival
Sched Estim Actual Delay Sched Estim Actual Delay
Published 18:17 20:15
Gate 18:17 18:17 20:15 20:29
Runway 18:26 18:26 20:01 19:53
You’re pushing back from the gate at 18:17 and schduled to be on the runway at 18:26.
Scheduled arrival is 20:01, estimated is 19:53 (8-minutes early)
Really nice route today. Only a few very small bumps possible over Kentucky. Also, skies are mostly clear from aircraft to the deck. Enjoy your flight.