Didn't some states once have literacy tests for prospective voters? What happened to them?
They covered it back in the day by being a property owner. Race be damned. If you could understand transfer of ownership and liability your qualified.
At one point in our history, only white, male landowners could vote. If you look at the first hundred years of our nation’s history, while there were some odd birds, there was harmony. With the Civil War and eventual emancipation of slaves, philosophers and European political revolutionaries saw the potential to infect the mindset of the American public with malaise and dependency.
If you look at some of the earliest black American thinkers, you will see black men who had every intention of working to make it in this world. They believed in the Founding principles and ushered in a generation of strong, hard-working black men and women. The “slave mentality” was still extant, but the hard-working, American mentality slowly bled south and brought us great black leaders like MLK. However, other black leaders like Sharpton, Jackson, and Malcolm X were born from families who could not bring themselves to work for who they considered the enemy, so they continued to suck on the teat and pray for retribution.
There should be examples made of the powerful black men in our history. Instead, “Black History Month” focuses on plight, hardship, and destitution instead of faith, hope, and hard work. The black “leaders” have subjugated their own people, and thus they’ve become slaves to their own race. As such, we have an entire voting bloc of Democrats who only listen to their same-race slavemasters to ensure that those “leaders” continue to receive favors from their governmental masters/overseers.