If this was not an act of terrorism, then the New York Police are just on a practice run, for they are still ordering full inspections of all suspicious packages and the police stations are to be checked inside and out.
They have some kind of a big action taking place right now:
Not sure what it is, and they are “with the convoy”. could that be transporting the gun locker???
What ever the ‘convoy’ is, they have massive vehicles with the ‘package’.
No traffic is being allowed near it from any direction.
Yeah, I read that upthread....what IS this all about????
Don't know if this is because of the hour or what. Wonder if midtown traffic is any worse than usual - since they converted streets to pedestrian malls.
‘Gun Locker’.
The perp locked his gun up safely, with bullets back in the box...? Next to the propane and gasoline?
Safety first!
I think I’m ready for the flashy-thingy about now..
The package has been delivered. I wish I could recall where the police said they were taking it to be detonated.