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To: wintertime
A REAL American would never let a case like LTC Lakin get to the point of court martial and possible prison. NO, NO, NO!... A REAL American would be HONORED to show any soldier the full and complete best evidence that they were natural born.

This is an angle I had not considered. (even though I had considered the others)

What sort of commander, much less commander in chief, would permit one of his own to be court martialled when all they had to do was produce a piece of paper? No loyalty to our troops is evident here, only self-serving actions unfit for either a throne or the White House.

But then, his third-world mentality was earned in streets far from Washington D.C., and a heritage that despised the American way of life.

For those syncophants who fell for "Change", that is indeed the change Obama intends, from America as we have known it to something else.

290 posted on 05/02/2010 3:10:06 AM PDT by Smokin' Joe (How often God must weep at humans' folly. Stand fast. God knows what He is doing.)
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To: Smokin' Joe
What sort of commander, much less commander in chief, would permit one of his own to be court martialled when all they had to do was produce a piece of paper? No loyalty to our troops is evident here, only self-serving actions unfit for either a throne or the White House.

But then, his third-world mentality was earned in streets far from Washington D.C., and a heritage that despised the American way of life.


379 posted on 05/03/2010 6:12:17 AM PDT by snowsislander
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