Obama is now -—NOW—trying to help the Pelicans!
You said it
Nobody dare to say it, but I seriously suspect environmentalists sabotage to get future oil-drilling to a total halt!!!
This whole oil rig thing smells to high heaven! There just seems to be too much “coincidence”; and I don’t believe in coincidence.
I think the reason it bothers me is that too many things were going on at the same time .. making this “coincidence” waaaaaaay too convenient.
These are the pieces of the puzzle that I put together.
1st - the dems are plotting to unleash upon America a cap and tax plan (but it’s not gaining in approval);
2nd - the dems want to do whatever they can to stop America from drilling their own oil (because that would create millions of jobs, spur the economy, and ensure energy independence for lots of years);
3rd - although Obama was allowing drilling (but not in the best areas), the oil industry was calling him on it;
4th - it just happened to be a day or so one side of “Earth Day”;
5th - to solve all those problems (”Never let a good crisis go to waste.”) - what could be better than a good oil spill - like maybe blowing up an oil rig ..?? Huh ..?? That would solve everything .. RIGHT ..??
Now, NO MORE OIL DRILLING; CAP AND TAX WILL BE EASY TO PASS; PEOPLE WERE PAYING ATTENTION BECAUSE OF EARTH DAY, and I just can’t believe for one minute that this was an “accident” or just a coincidence.
The real cap .. the President sent SWAT to guard all the oil rigs .. WHY WOULD HE DO THAT IF IT WAS AN “ACCIDENT”. But .. if the oil rig was blown up .. then they better inspect all the other oil wells to find out if they are ready to blow up too ..?? Huh ..??
The real big question I have is this: WHO BLEW IT UP ..??
And remember .. just a couple of days ago there was a thread where we were discussing the Weather Underground and their statements about 25,000,000 being a casuality risk they were willing to take .. Hmmmmm ..?? Did they believe killing over 100 on the oil rig was acceptable in order to accomplish their goal ..??
Interestingly .. there is a 6th factor: Who do the dems hate almost as much as Bush - Halliburton! It turns out Halliburton is somehow involved in the construction of the oil rig. Hmmmm ..?? Coincidence ..?? I don’t think so.
As a Jewess in the US, I believe the gulf oil platform was sunk by a North Korean Stealth Torpedo, the 2nd test of the same type that they used to take out the South Korean Navy ship last month.