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The List, Obama's Sixty Sixth Week in Office
Nachumlist ^
| 4/30/10
| Nachum
Posted on 04/30/2010 9:36:22 AM PDT by Nachum
Obama's Sixty Sixth Week in Office
The List" for 4/29/2010
The city of Springfield is still trying to collect $55,457 for costs associated with hosting then-U.S. Sen. Barack Obamas presidential campaign stop in the fall of 2008, the citys spokesman said Wednesday. Obamas presidential campaign was sent a bill for $68,139 and still owes the city $55,457, according to Ernie Slottag, the citys spokesman.
US gives Abbas private assurances over Israeli settlements
U.S. federal prosecutors in New York have begun investigating Goldman Sachs Group Inc, raising the possibility of criminal charges against the company or its employees, a source familiar with the situation said on Thursday.
Obama's interpretation of fair trade: entails paying hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars every year to subsidize the Brazilian cotton industry. A Brazilian protest against farm support and export-credit now guarantees that U.S. cotton growers get $$ from Washington. Brazil won its case last year before the World Trade Organization, which ruled that U.S. cotton subsidies violate international trade agreements. Rather than cutting subsidies to American cotton growers, Mr. Obama's solution was to buy off the Brazilians to drop their case. The bribe came in the form of an annual payment of $147.3 million that the United States will send to Brazil to prop up its cotton producers
Obama Sends SWAT Teams to Oil Rigs...
Democrats are raffling off the opportunity to dinner privately with President Barack Obama and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
Obama judicial nominee Chatigny: Im so, so sorry for supporting sexual sadist
Army Preps for Tea Party 'Terrorists'
Obama Breaks Down In Tears At Funeral Of "Godmother" Civil Rights Movement: Dorothy Height
The Department of Justice today announced highlights of its work during the past year to defend and enforce federal tax laws. The Tax Division has assisted the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in tracking down tax cheats who use offshore accounts, combating abusive tax shelters, stopping tax defiers and shutting down tax schemes and scams.
Census Bureau: Well Work with Community Organizations to Count All Illegal Aliens in 2010
Obama sniper teams ordered to roof tops to quash Tea Party protesters singing "God Bless America"
White House reporters afraid to criticize the White House for fear of retaliation
The growing American protest movement has met the Obama Administrations effort to regulate the Internet, as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has been flooded with almost 50,000 individual demands to stay away from their broadband.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, while testifying before a Senate panel, said the United Statess southwest border is as secure now as it has ever been.
Obamacare: any time a business pays any one entity $600 or more in a year, they will have to create a 1099 to file with the IRS
Tax information firm RIA notes the types of transactions covered by the new 1099 rules: The 2010 Health Care Act adds amounts in consideration for property (Code Sec. 6041(a) as amended by 2010 Health Care Act §9006(b)(1)) and gross proceeds (Code Sec. 6041(a) as amended by 2010 Health Care Act §9006(b)(2)) to the pre-2010 Health Care Act categories of payments for which an information return to IRS will be required if the $600 aggregate payment threshold is met in a tax year for any one payee. Thus, Congress says that for payments made after 2011, the term payments includes gross proceeds paid in consideration for property or services.
Costly IRS Mandate Slipped into Health Bill. A few wording changes to the tax codes section 6041 regarding 1099 reporting were slipped into the 2000-page health legislation. The changes will force millions of businesses to issue hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, of additional IRS Form 1099s every year. It appears to be a costly, anti-business nightmare.
The U.S. policy banning women from serving on submarines passed quietly into history Thursday morning
Obama has vowed to take action against Israel or the Palestinians if either undermines indirect peace talks, a senior Palestinian official said on Thursday
The List" for 4/28/2010
Two recent rounds of US/Israeli talks about the sale of Lockheed Martin F-35s to the Israeli air force have ended with the same gap that has so far prevented the signature of a letter of agreement.
Obama on Wednesday acknowledged the presence of state Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias during a visit to Illinois. Giannoulias appeared at a rally in Chicago Wednesday, also calling for financial reform and downplaying any tension with Obama
Pentagon officials on Tuesday agreed to release some documents subpoenaed by the Senate Homeland Security Committee but still refuse to send witnesses to testify about the soldier accused in last falls deadly shooting at Fort Hood.
A U.S. Treasury Department official acknowledged that General Motors repaid loans from the U.S. and Canadian governments with funds from those same governments, but said that was always the plan
Iranian ICBM Threat Demolishes The Administrations Missile Defense Strategy: Only a few months ago, the administration published its Ballistic Missile Defense Review validating a new strategy for the defense of Europe based on a different system built around the Aegis ship-based missile defense system with the Standard Missile (SM) 3. Now, just weeks later, it is reported that U.S. intelligence believes that Iran could deploy an ICBM, capable of hitting the United States by 2015
Obama, preparing to make his second nominee to the Supreme Court, warned Wednesday of a "conservative" brand of judicial activism in which the courts are often not showing appropriate deference to the decision of lawmakers
Obama said Wednesday that there "may not be an appetite" in Congress to deal with immigration immediately after going through a tough legislative year
Report: Justice Department Moving to Challenge Arizona Law
"Less discretion for doctors would improve patient safety" says Obama's CMS Pick
President Obama on Wednesday dismissed Arizona's tough new anti-immigration law as a "shortcut'' that will merely inflame the immigration debate "instead of solving the problem.''
Obama Increased Africa Military Funding 300%(FY2010)
Obama Calls In Riot Police On Peaceful Tea Party
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar told that national security and ecological values can coexist at the U.S.-Mexico border.
The administration of President Barack Obama has launched what officials termed a psychological warfare campaign meant to topple Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Obama finance legislation will benefit Wall Street, not limit it. Rather than being the targets of this bill, Wall Street financiers will be rewarded by it. The chairman of Goldman Sachs, Lloyd Blankfein, told a Senate subcommittee, The biggest beneficiary of reform is Wall Street itself.
VIDEO: Obama To Wall Street: "I Do Think At A Certain Point You've Made Enough Money"
Interior Secretary Ken Salazar is headed to Boston Wednesday to make an announcement about a controversial wind farm project on Cape Cod that could put the Obama administration at odds with one of the president's biggest supporters: the Kennedy family.
Obama Second Circuit Court of Appeals nominee, Judge Robert Chatigny, went to extraordinary lengths to protect roadside strangler: a case involving Michael Ross, a Connecticut serial killer who raped and murdered at least eight women and girls
Obama is telling voters in the Midwest that unless lawmakers rein in Wall Street, there's no guarantee another economic crisis won't hammer the heartland
The idea of specifically recruiting military veterans to run for marginal House seats was part of Rahm Emanuel's master plan when he ran the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in 2006. The Washington Times reports that the number of vets running this year will be double what it was in 2008 -- and most of the 40 who are running are running as Republicans.
President Obama Ribs Iowa Crowd for Not Applauding His Warning About Hard Choices to Come About National Debt
Obama praises Islam-supporting comic series.
The List" for 4/27/2010
Hawaii legislators have passed a measure allowing a state agency to ignore repeated requests from a person or organization for President Barack Obama's birth certificate.
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said on Tuesday he was very satisfied with Pentagon planning to counter the threat posed by Iran's nuclear program
Pakistan to get $65 million US warship free of cost
The Obama administration said Tuesday that it will provide more information to Congress about the Fort Hood shootings but continued to defy a subpoena request for witness statements and other documents
Obama has denied aid to individuals affected by Marchs massive storms and Gov. M. Jodi Rell (Connecticut)said she plans to file a formal appeal.
VIDEO: DHS Chief Janet Napolitano: Its Unfair to Ask Me If Arizonas Border With Mexico Secure
Obama is criticizing Senate Republicans for continuing to block debate on a bill to impose greater financial controls on the financial industry
VIDEO: Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano: "We've increased other resources available such as aerial resources -- this means more fixed-wing aircraft helicopters and predator bees than ever before.
A handful of lawmakers are accusing General Motors of misleading the public by continuing to claim as part of its advertising blitz that the auto giant has repaid its government loans "in full."
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told a Senate hearing Tuesday that unmanned aerial drones will soon fly through Texas skies
Obama Says Arizona's "Poorly-Conceived" Immigration Law Could Mean Hispanic-Americans Are Harassed
Obama: Holding me to my promises is just an old Washington game
A top Obama administration official who's helping lead a campaign for energy conservation has a major financial interest in two companies that are poised to benefit from the government's spending. Cathy Zoi, the assistant secretary of energy for energy efficiency and renewable energy, owns between $250,000 and $500,000 worth of stock in Landis+Gyr, a Swiss-based manufacturer of special electric meters that are used to create an efficient "smart" grid of electricity use.
Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says Arizona's new immigration law could siphon federal money and staff needed to go after dangerous immigrants
Attorney General Eric Holder says the federal government may challenge Arizona's new law on immigration
Goldman Sachs people in the White House
Once chastised for not being tough enough, President Barack Obama has lately been getting personal with his political adversaries singling them out for scorn in speeches, interviews, asides and even in his weekly radio address
Obama Announces New Entrepreneurial Exchange Programs with Muslim-Majority Countries: We will bring business and social entrepreneurs from Muslim-majority countries to the United States and send their American counterparts to learn from your countries."
The List" for 4/26/2010
The Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) investigative office said
Sunday it had begun an investigation into whether charges against Goldman Sachs were politically timed.
Buffy Wicks Deputy Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement to Depart White House, Will Join Axelrods Old Media Firm
A top prospect for the Supreme Court was a paid member of an advisory panel for the embattled investment firm Goldman Sachs, federal financial disclosures show. Solicitor General Elena Kagan was a member of the Research Advisory Council of the Goldman Sachs Global Markets Institute, according to the financial disclosures she filed when President Obama appointed her last year to her current post.
When George W. Bush was President, Susan Rice blasted the administration for being weak about Darfur. Now, shes President Obamas United Nations ambassador and Team Obama is no longer interested in Darfur.
VIDEO: Obama to Muslims: "That is why I went to Cairo nearly one year ago and called for a new beginning between the United States and Muslim communities. A new beginning based on mutual interest and mutual respect. I knew that this vision would not be fulfilled in a single year, or even several years. But I knew we had to begin and that all of us have responsibilities to fulfill."
VIDEO: FCC Diversity Czar Mark Lloyd Gives False Responses to Right Wing Smear Campaign
VIDEO: Obamas Budget Director: Powerful Rationing Panel (Not Doctors) Will Control Health Care Levels
President Obama criticized Republicans tonight for voting en masse to prevent debate on Democrats' financial reform legislation.
The Anti-Defamation Leagues National Director Abe Foxman: US shift in Israel policy "deeply distressing"
VIDEO: key parts of Robert Gibbs' White House Briefing today, where he said President Obama views (1:30 mark of the video) Arizona's new Anti-Illegal Immigration Law as a "fundamentally unfair law." ... after saying repeatedly the White House would wait until after a Department of Justice review to comment
HHS Hid Negative Report Until After Vote- The economic report released last week by Health and Human Services, which indicated that President Barack Obama's health care "reform" law would actually increase the cost of health care and impose higher costs on consumers, had been submitted to the office of HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius more than a week before the Congressional votes on the bill, according to career HHS sources, who added that Sebelius's staff refused to review the document before the vote was taken.
Obamas Debt Commission Will Consider a Value-Added Tax
The Netanyahu government has allowed a de facto building freeze on new homes in parts of Jerusalem in order to placate President Obama.
U.S. President Barack Obama held an impromptu meeting with Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Monday, during which Obama affirmed his country's "unshakeable commitment to Israel's security."
Obama will beam is message to Muslim businessmen to Muslims in Ireland
National Security Adviser James Jones apologized Monday for telling a joke last week that depicted a member of the Taliban getting tricked by a Jewish merchant looking to make a sale.
In latest quarterly survey by the National Association for Business Economics, the index that measures employment showed job growth for the first time in two years -- but a majority of respondents felt the fiscal stimulus had no impact.
Jews gather outside the Israeli Consulate Sunday to protest President Obama's position towards Israel.
VIDEO: Obama plays the race card: rallies blacks and latinos for a 2010 election upset
VIDEO: Obamas National Security Advisor Tells Joke Depicting Jews as Greedy Merchants
Obama's pick "administrator for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services wants to turn Medicare into a facsimile of Britain's NHS
The List" for 4/25/2010
Democrats are trying to pass another bill to force price controls on Health Insurance companies.T he White House proposed this just before the final Obama- Care scramble, but it couldn't be included because it violated the procedural rules that Democrats abused to pass the bill.
USAA is urging all of its members to take action against part of President Obama's financial reform package called the Volcker Rule, designed to keep banks from investing their money in a way that would compete with clients
The Next Potential SEIU Head, Anna Burger, was appointed by Obama to his Economic Recovery Advisory Board. Announced on November 26, 2008, the Presidents Economic Recovery Advisory Board (PERAB) is a new panel of non-governmental experts from business, labor, academia and elsewhere that President Obama instituted on February 6, 2009. The board reports regularly to Obama and his economic team on the current economic crisis and develops proposals that are then recommended to President Obama.
VIDEO: Geithner: "I Never Had A Real Job"
VIDEO:Obama to Debt Panel on taxes: 'Everything is on the table" The Washington Post: The Democratic co-chairman of the commission, Erskine Bowles, says tax increases will be considered even though Obama pledged during his presidential campaign not to raise taxes on a person earning less than $200,000 a year.
Obama's National Security Adviser ,James L. Jones, tells an "distasteful" "Jewish Joke" at the 25-year anniversary gala of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy
US prepares to push for global capital rules. The US is preparing to pivot from domestic regulatory reform to a push for a tough new international capital regime after the weekends G20 and International Monetary Fund meetings glossed over differences between leading economies. Tim Geithner, US Treasury secretary, met Mario Draghi, chairman of the Financial Stability Board, on Sunday to discuss the contours of a system that would decide the safety and profitability of banks for decades to come and could eclipse the arguments over bank taxes and regulation.
Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas has been invited to Washington in May for talks with US President Barack Obama, Palestinian chief negotiator Saeb Erakat said on Sunday.
While a family of four earning $85,000 has seen its tax burden decrease since President Obama took office thanks to the massive stimulus bill, that doesn't tell the whole story, tax analysts say. Ryan Ellis, tax policy director of Americans for Tax Reform, who noted that only one third of the stimulus package is tax cuts, the rest is government spending without revenue to match it. The recently passed health care law also will eventually lead to higher taxes for middle-income families, Ellis said. On top of that, the Bush-era tax cuts are scheduled to expire at the end of the year unless Congress acts.
President Barack Obama should dispatch National Guard troops to the border if he doesnt like Arizonas new immigration law, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Friday. McCain, who endorsed the tough new Arizona law earlier this week, defended it as necessary because of the federal governments inability to secure the border
The List" for 4/24/2010
Nov. 8, 2008, Obama met with governor Blagojevich- article
DOCUMENT: Motion for the court to issue a trial subpoena to President Barack Obama
Obama establishes "The President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)" by executive order
Wellpoint responds to breast cancer attack by the Obama administration
The Obama administration on Friday defended the new health insurance law after a report from its own Medicare services agency showed the provisions will increase the nation's health care tab over the next 10 years instead of bringing costs down
AUDIO: of New York Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer talking to a Jewish radio show - the Nachum Segal Show- where he blasted the Obama Administration's policy toward Israel as "counter-productive," and said it "had to stop."
Sections of court papers filed by scandal-scarred former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich that were mistakenly made public show a deeper involvement by President Obama in picking his Senate successor and call into question the president's public statements on the case.
Obama again declined to call the deaths of 1.5 million Armenians during World War I a genocide, instead on Saturday painting the massacre as "one of the worst atrocities" of the 20th century and "a devastating chapter" in history.
Regulatory overhaul legislation working its way through Congress will end taxpayer-funded bailouts "once and for all," President Barack Obama said Saturday
Obama on Friday warned that without federal immigration reform the door would be open to "misguided efforts" such as a new Arizona law that has raised questions of civil rights. Obama pressed for immigration reform at a White House Rose Garden ceremony in which 24 members of the U.S. military originally from China, Mexico, Ethiopia and other countries became American citizens.
Obama said on Saturday taxpayer-funded bailouts of the auto industry that he approved had paid off, in what amounted to a rejection of conservative arguments against such government help.
The List" for 4/23/2010
Obama criticized Arizona's tough immigration bill as irresponsible Friday and said his administration is examining whether it would violate civil rights. Obama said the federal government must act responsibly to reform national immigration lawor "open the door to irresponsibility by others."
VIDEO: The SEC is going to investigate the SEC's timing of the Goldman Sachs lawsuit
The White House is engaged in an aggressive effort to reassure Jewish leaders that the tense relationship between the Obama administration and the Israeli government that has played out in public in the last few months does not signify any fundamental change in U.S. policy.
Government report: Health law could hike prices, make employers drop coverage-..A new government report from Rick Foster, the chief actuary of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), finds that President Barack Obama's new healthcare reform law would cost $828 billion over the next decade while saving $577 billion.
Fannie & Freddie Reform Excluded from Finance Bill
VIDEO: Geithner: Obama Does Not Support the VAT for the U.S.
Obama yesterday told Wall Street bankers in no uncertain terms to support sweeping regulatory reform, saying the industry has nothing to fear "unless your business model depends on bilking people."
Florida House rejects Obama Health-Care Laws- State Republicans fought back against new federal health-care laws Thursday, as the GOP-dominated House and Senate sent a constitutional amendment to voters that would allow Floridians to opt out of health insurance
Obama on Thursday criticized a pending Arizona law that would make it a state crime to be in the United States illegally and require anyone suspected of being an illegal immigrant to produce identification.
Obama: "The vast majority of the money I got was from small donors all across the country." - Obama actually recieves huge sums from large donors
The Congressional Budget Office has released data estimating that by 2016, 3 million Americans earning less than $59,000 a year will face a penalty for not having health insurance.
Texas Health and Human Services Executive Commissioner Tom Suehs said Thursday that the governor will need more time to make a decision about a federally ordered high-risk insurance pool.
TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: list; obama; seven; sixty
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The complete record at
posted on
04/30/2010 9:36:22 AM PDT
To: Nachum
You sure it’s not the six hundred sixty sixth?
posted on
04/30/2010 9:39:40 AM PDT
(My hypocrisy goes only so far)
To: Nachum
To: JennysCool
Tomorrow is week 66 - day 6...
posted on
04/30/2010 9:41:27 AM PDT
(My dog died yesterday, but less than expected. - Freeper Juan Meden)
To: Nachum
I’ve got to do the donation thing at your site. A valuable collection of information, chronicling the destruction of the United States, step by step. Good work!
To: historyrepeatz
I just have one thing to say to Obama..
To: Gen. Burkhalter
Sixty years.. Exactly.. Soros must be breathing down Obama’s neck to destroy this place as QUICKLY as possible. There’s no other explanation for the “hurry” they’re always in.. Every bill is an “urgent rush”, blah blah blah.. I’m sick of it.
To: Nachum
posted on
04/30/2010 9:54:21 AM PDT
(The U. S. Constitution - read it and weep)
To: JennysCool
You sure its not the six hundred sixty sixth? It's not the years...-it's the milage. :(
posted on
04/30/2010 9:58:34 AM PDT
(The complete Obama list at
To: JennysCool
Took the words right out of my mouth. God help us.
To: JennysCool
He can spend $2 million of taxpayer campaign donations on hiding his records of his life, and he cannot p-ay for his campaign bills?
Another cheater & liar.
I would not rent a parking lot to anything or anyone Democrat.
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