This bad idea, if implemented, will run into a buzz saw of court challenge within the first week of issue.
I’m pretty sure mine will get lost, or damaged to the part of uselessness, within days of receipt. I’m *such* a klutz when it comes to handling sensitive things like a biometric ID card.
well then comrade, you would not be able to qualify for your rationed checking withdrawals at govt owned banks, your rationed healthcare from govt clinics, or your rationed carb credits to buy fuels from govt owned gas stations
First thing I do when I get a new drivers license is to make sure it goes through some strong EM fields.
Yeah, I think I’ll be an extra-upstanding citizen and voluntarily provide extra identifying information by imprinting the chip with my car’s tread pattern.
Then after that I’ll provide them with a record of how many guns I own and which calibers they are by shooting the card once with each one.
We already have a national ID. It’s called a social security number. Employers won’t verify new-hire’s SSN if they don’t want to, and nothing is going to make them verify a nat’l ID card. The only way to stop the theft of resources and violence these people bring over the border with them is to keep them out in the first place. Once they’re in, a whole new set of rules come into play and those rules are in their favor.