Do it yourself. Pay yourself six bucks an hour. Save it up. Before too long you’ll be able to treat yourself to something nice. Plus, you’ll get the exercise, the fresh air, and fresh veggies for the table to boot.
It’s a win-win all the way around. And you’ll be able to look yourself in the mirror and realize you’re not aiding and abetting the destruction of your own country just for the sake of a little personal convenience.
Wish I could have a garden. I had one many years ago and just as everything started getting ripe enough to pick, everything would disappear. Same goes for my fruit trees. I love green plums so I have one tree that lived past 2 or 3 years. Last year, I went out one evening to see if any were ripe and there were lots. I just thought that I would go back out the next morning to get them. Well, imagine my surprise to find every plum on my tree gone. I think I have some other 2 legged “friends” who love plums, too.