Why is the story that Glenn Beck detailed this week not plastered all over every front page in America??
Obama/Gore/Goldman Sachs are getting ready to impose a $10 TRILLION dollar climate tax on America through the Chicago Climate Exhange (CCX) and Cap&Tax.
Goldman, Gore and others in Obummer’s admin are potentially going to reap 100s of billions of dollars in profits on this scheme.
Goldman is happily playing their part as the pinata so that the Dems can use them to push through financial reform... then Goldman gets to benefit from Cap and Tax.
Its all a game... and American citizens will be the losing team.
Watch this clip from Beck. (If you are truly limited on time, forward to 14 minutes, although 7:45 - 8:40 is very important too):
The video ends before he unveils the middle guy who facilitated the funding/founding of the Chicago Climate Exchange.
Gee, who could be from Chicago AND heavily involved with Goldman Sachs?? Hint, he also goes by the name Barry.
Dont fall for the financial reform hearings circus. Its all just a show.
As Beck always says, watch the other hand... that is where the real heist is taking place!
Our entire country is getting ready to be robbed if Cap and Tax passes.
Watch Beck for the rest of the week... he honestly believes there is a good chance that people will go to jail based on what he is going to expose. Fox News 5:00 Eastern Time.
Oh yeah, really? When did he say this? I just happened to catch his Monday show and it was excellent.