This is why I clean my own house and do my own lawn. I have neighbors who will bitch about illegals and when I say “who does your lawn” they reply: “I hire an American company, I don’t know who they hire”....really? Look outside sometime dumbass - the guys are 5’2”, dark skinned and can’t speak english
This is why I clean my own house and do my own lawn. I have neighbors who will bitch about illegals and when I say who does your lawn they reply: I hire an American company, I dont know who they hire....really? Look outside sometime dumbass - the guys are 52, dark skinned and cant speak english”
I have pushed this issue for years.
I have now begun telling people that if they aren’t vigilant about their lawn care, etc, then they are certainly a bigger part of the problem than they are a part of the solution. That pisses them off!!
It is a really big problem in So Cal.