I love it when I read something that has been written from the heart, and is full of compassion and understanding.
I've lived through PTSD before but mine was not war related. It came several years after my peace time service. It took almost 5 years to get rid of it. Still you can't keep flipping that switch and not expect something to break. It's dealing with the strongest portion of the brain geared for survival and deals with controlling some very strong impulses and brain chemistry.
If you don't respond in the way that part of the brain thinks is appropriate another complication enters the equation called Panic Attacks and more stress. The combined problems in combat vets used to be called Shell Shock added with that complications from such things as sensory damage which also complicates the entire issue and adds to the stress as well.
A one year Tour in combat is enough per enlistment. Fifteen months should be a set maximum goal. Bringing troops home from Iraq and in about a year sending them to Afghanistan for another year just isn't right.