One of the biggest lies ever told by our ‘elites’ is that immigration is beneficial to a country, for the most part it is not, especially in mass amounts.
For proof, I implore everyone to check out the Fraser Institute’s groundbreaking study titled: The Effects of Mass Immigration.
“America,stand up for your country or surrender. I have no doubts Obama is a racial divider and a organizer for Communist sympathizers.”
Thus far, ObaMao is more a fascist than a socialist, but that’s only temporary, and simply for expediency. And, really, fascism is just socialism with a nationalist (i.e., love of government) bent. Thus, ObaMao is trying to cloak his socialism as nationalism, as he thinks he can more readily hoodwink the people that way. The ultimate goal, though, is, of course, communism.
I have heard scores of people declare that Hitler, a national socialist, hated the communists, and vice versa. And that, somehow, that made Hitler “right-wing.” Hogwash! Hitler was a leftist. His feud with communism was over which leftist dogma would prevail to rule Germany: National Socialism or Communism. Kind of like two brothers, alike in so many ways, fighting over the same woman.