· Statehood would give Puerto Rico more congressional representation than 25 of our 50 states! It would inevitably give Democrats two additional U.S. Senators and 6 to 8 additional Members of the House.
Puerto Rico would have 2 Senators and 6 Representatives (where the heck did you get 8?) if it were a state. No one has any idea whether it would elect Republicans or Democrats to Congress. Yes, Puerto Ricans in NYC and Chicago (most of whom are second- or third-generation descendants of the Depression-era migration to the North)vote overwhelmingly Democrat (as do most residents of those cities), but in Central Florida the PR-born Puerto Ricans voted for Jeb Bush in 2002 and George W. Bush and Mel Martinez in 2004. And within Puerto Rico itself, a majority of state Senators and Representatives are Republicans, as is the Governor and the mayors of 5 of the 8 largest (100,000+ population) cities, including San Juan (pop over 400,000) and Bayamon (pop over 200,000).