I read at SCOTUS within 30 days, hmmm!!!
We’ll know soon enough. Can’t hide cases at the SCOTUS.
Mind you, I tried to press for more information, but it was not forthcoming. Either this party did not want to reveal the contents of the emails because it would point to a where it came from, or another reason, or the whole thing was smoke and mirrors... Who actually knows. But I will say, that this guy is a political consultant hanging out for two days for a republican candidate running for office from PIMA county.
Since I am not keyed into AZ politics, I was there at the fair with my museum, I am not keen on all the players. To give a little insight, my booth is at the entrance to the main exhibitor building...so one would have to go past me to go about anywhere. He stopped by and we began chatting about the fair. He told me he was here on behalf of candidate X (quite frankly I don't know who, but I think he's running for governor. The political consultant layed out the political map and how they were going to defeat the Maricopa machine. Interesting I thought.
Our conversation turned to national politics and the upcoming november congressionals--it was then that he offered up the "Birther" topic. It was he that proffered that description saying something to the extent that, "There is a group of people called "Birthers"....And that he had received an email the previous evening saying that someone with "standing" has been found and that a case is moving in the system now and that within 30 days one would begin hearing about it and that it would be going to the Supreme Court. The writer of the email as well as the political consultant were worried about the prospect of a constitutional crisis and Nancy Pelosi becoming president. The next Day our conversation continued as I tried to press more and that is where I offered that the only person with standing would be a US Attorney. I didn't see how someone out of the US AG's office would prosecute such a case. It was then he told me that State AG's are also US Attorneys, someone that can enforce federal laws, I think the way he put it. If that is the case I said then such a state would have to have a compliant legislature and governor--referring to the recent problems with some state AGs and the Obamacare suits.
He then began talking about AZ and the conversation would not focus on the issue. SO either he was being cagey, or who knows...
But folks that is it in its totality ...like I said before, take it for what its worth.
From there the conversation ran as I outlined above.
All very fascinating