We have already spent TRILLIONS of dollars in de facto reparations just since the LBJ administration, not to mention affirmative action, set-asides and all that jazz. And what was the stimulus? When is enough, enough?!
If the Soviet Union had imported slaves they’d still be slaves! Hell, you can say that about half of the countries in the world!!
“When is enough, enough?!”
...’offended’ blacks will never be satisfied that enough has been done...that’s just their nature...that’s why I’d give ‘em a one time voucher and not another thing....and btw, the TRILLIONS we give them now doubles about every 15 years...in some urban areas 28 year old grandmothers on welfare are commonplace.
All the money in the world will not resolve these problems. Some Blacks will never have self-respect, and those people will always choose to blame their lack of pride, lack of dignity and guilt in their current actions on Whites that are long dead.