I found it to be a very interesting article on the specifics being taught in teacher education courses. There are many illustrations of Bill Ayers' influence on teacher education, and the contributions of "peace educator" Maya Soetero-Ng.
I love the title of that report: “Indoctrination without Apology”. When I did my student teaching ten years ago, there was a social studies teacher who actually took her students on a protest to the middle of the small town on Columbus Day with signs about how horrible Columbus was. That same teacher during the 2000 election came right out and told me that most of the kids supported Bush because their parents did, but it was her job to explain to them why Democrats were better.
I have become aware of this. It's an INVASION of a kids personal life. They might be given an assignment about, write about your best friend, or what do your friends think of YOU, or what was your most painful or embarrassing experience. Speaking of "best friends" we totally discourage that. We encourage getting along with all but have some special friendS that have our values. SO there is always a clash there. Naturally you will get to read the journal entry or essay to the class and the class is supposed to learn from it or you get to “lean” something from it.
We ALWAYS tell our daughter to NOT divulge personal stuff. We insist on having her write neutral ramblings. When I went to school, we'd write about an article or a famous person or the field trip to the museum. We were NEVER asked to unload private thoughts to others that we would not ordinarily do. It really puts the kid on the spot and it is NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS. Teachers should be TEACHING; NOT PRYING.
“When an opponent declares, “I will not come over to your side,” I calmly say, “Your child belongs to us already... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community.”
- Adolph Hitler Quotes
A typical assignment given to my 2nd-grader son is to write about what he did on a family vacation. I don’t think the teacher is trying to be nosy (she is following the “writing prompts” of a curriculum she is supposed to use). The general idea is that students should write about their own lives, because they cannot relate to things outside their experience. (But then why is my 4yo boy obsessed with dinosaurs?) However, I think a primary goal of education should be to broaden horizons, to make children less self-absorbed. I’d like to see more “impersonal” writing assignments.
Thanks, I downloaded the 60 page PDF (available at link) for later reading. I’ll be sending it along to my wife as she teaches as well.
I have a niece who is in public school in the Detroit area. From what I’ve heard it seems they are a test bed for a log of theories which come out of Chicago (i.e. Ayers and his ilk).
Well said, Right Field.