yah...scrapping Enterprise won’t be done on the beach in Southern India, I can guarantee you. We might consider towing it up into Russian waters where they have sunk more than a few of their old nuclear subs and just scuttle her, but that has little chance of happening. No telling what the cost to scrap and dispose of her would be, but it is going to be a considerable sum. Might even have to have Newport News do it, since they are equipped to handle nuclear material...
But for all the talk we hear about “cleaning up” Hanford reach, it still remains the single best spot we have to bury stuff like that.
When Oregon decommissioned the Trojan nuclear power plant several years ago, they packaged the reactor vessel, put it on a barge and towed it up the Columbia River to be buried on the Hanford reservation. The thing was just enormous, and that was the only thing there was to be done with it...bury it and post a really durable sign over the top...