“...let people die on the street in front of the emergency room...”
I watch NBC, and I thought that was the Republican platform.
...let people die on the street in front of the emergency room...
I watch NBC, and I thought that was the Republican platform.
No, their platform is for you to get medical care, but you have to pay for it later. That’s the Democratic platform is you have to thousands of dollars for health care insurance (or two years from now when it is government health care, tax you to death), that you cannot access because the government will be too busy spending the money for your health care on the study of pig smell and expensive airplanes for Pelosi to be able to reimburse your doctor.
The conservative platform is to decrease the cost of health care by getting rid of junk lawsuits and other factors that rise health care. When cost of health care lowers, health insurance lowers. If that doesn’t happen, we will get rid of their monopolies by being able to purchase insurance over state lines. Also, medical saving accounts may help decrease the need for insurance companies. Plus, all of this will encourage doctors to get into the business and guess what, more doctors means more access. So you don’t have to die in waiting rooms anymore.
The one thing I don’t understand (actually I do because they are liberals) is the same people complaining about health insurance monopolies are the same people who want single payer. Isn’t single payer a monopoly? Doesn’t single and mono both mean one?
Back to Romney. He shouldn’t even run. He lost the nomination last time and next time he won’t have a chance. We need to pick a conservative to be the GOP nomination. We didn’t hear about Obama until after the 2006 mid-terms so I am hopeful that someone will come out next year that will make this country better.