I hope they pass a Firearms Freedom Act here; similar to the one NH proposed where any fed agent or fed contractor that tries to enforce fed gun laws concerning weapons manufactured in state.... is guilty of a Class B Felony! And, I would like it if they would include in state manufactured full-autos as weapons not applicable to fed law.
A Castle Doctrine law would be nice too.
One step at a time though.
A judge in Colorado just threw out a ban on firearms on college campus.
Colorado is very pro second amendment. THey even have a MAKE MY DAY law that allows a citizen to shoot an intruder coming in OR going out.
I've been saying that every state that passes a law pertaining to firearms should include that in the bill. If full autos and suppressors, including all other accessories like AP, tracer and incendiary ammo, AND M203 launchers aren't included in the bill, then it's basically useless. If they want to use the "old laws" argument about the Second Amendment, then we'll use the old laws argument about rapid-fire printing presses, telephones, satellite communication and the internet, and they'll all have to go away.