Hope it is not another “year without summer”:
On April 10th 1815, Mount Tambora in Indonesia erupted and killed 10,000 people from the explosion and another 82,000 people from related causes such as starvation and disease. To date, Tambora is the worlds worst volcano disaster in recorded history. The mountain, which stood at 13,000 feet tall, was reduced by 4,000 feet and spewed 93 cubic miles of ash into the atmosphere.
it didnt drastically affect weather patterns in distant places, such as the Northern Hemisphere, until 1816
Read more at Suite101: The Year Without a Summer 1816: Caused by the 1815 Eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia
I can do without summer here in Texas with the temps in the triple digits.
Good point. Didn’t this happen when Mt. St. Helens erupted? I can’t remember but I do remember two summers that were no summers at all.