Smoke and mirrors...why do you think HolyO SUDDENLY signed that COMMANDMENT yesterday to the hospitals that if they partake in the Medicaid/Medicare system, they MUST allow gays to visit whoever and whenever they want, despite what a hospitalized person’s family might want? I hadn’t heard anything in the news prior to that...if this alleged lesbian woman is too conservative for Soros, the gay community wouldn’t care about that, they’d just be insulted and claim her withdrawal from the ‘list’ was because of her sexual orientation, not her political viewpoints, and start ‘acting up’.
So to distract and appease them, the sudden ‘hospital visits for gays’ EO (or whatever it was he signed) bursts onto the news cycle for a few days. In the meantime the WH gets to strongarm this alleged lesbian woman into ‘voluntarily’ dropping out of consideration for SCOTUS...she’ll want to ‘spend more time with (her) family’ or somesuch silly excuse. THEN the WH gets to hit America in between the eyes with a choice so gay it makes Barney Fwank look conservative! (Or so liberal it makes DeadTed Kennedy look like a right winger!!!)
Mark my words. Smoke and mirrors.
You are right.
This whole thing is being orchestrated from the WH.
They want to overboard Kagan but they want Republicans to take the fall for it.