To: a fool in paradise; itsahoot
You're missing the point. The pro-gay marriage crowd uses the “consenting individuals” angle to push gay marriage. Well, an adult father and daughter can be consenting individuals. An adult male and several women can be consenting individuals. But and animal doesn't have the ability to consent so bestiality is not an equal comparison.
54 posted on
04/13/2010 12:17:01 PM PDT by
(Barack Obama is Osama bin Laden's relief pitcher.)
To: Niteranger68
A dog doesn’t ask for permission when he goes to hump your leg, your cat, your footstool, or pillow.
55 posted on
04/13/2010 12:18:03 PM PDT by
a fool in paradise
(VP Biden on Obamacare's passage: "This is a big f-ing deal". grumpygresh: "Repeal the f-ing deal") is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson