Coburn backed off on Obama at a crucial time during the Dem primary, after BO compared Coburn’s notion that abortionists might be subject to capital punishment ( presumably after legislation establishing the penalty and due process through the courts) to Bill Ayers’ bombing the Pentagon. He valued his “friendship” with BO too much to force the issue to Obama’s manner of thought and philosophy, allowing the cheap media spin that “He was a guy in the neighborhood who did bad things when I was 8 years old.” All too reminiscent of Jack Kemp’s “graciousness” in allowing Gore to tar Republicans as racist , while absolving Kemp as “one of the few” that wasn’t. “ Gee thanks, Al.”
Yes, us hicks in Oklahoma know how to play politics as well. Coburn says she’s nice and Inhofe says she’s spawn of the devil. Do you really think Coburn and Inhofe don’t speak to each other? Welcome to 21 century politics.