“If you are barely existing and live in Mexico, or El Salvador, or Nicaragua, or Africa, or Asia, and someone can convince you that you really can move to Los Angeles, or Boston, or Dallas, legally and without any immigration hassles or legalities, then literally hundreds of millions would do it.”
Why are they barely existing instead of thriving? If they have the drive to come here and succeed, why aren’t they succeeding in their own countries? Why do we do so well? Because we’re American? Lucky? Something in the water?
You answer these questions yourself. “. . .they can struggle here in America amongst the wonderful infrastructure, healthy environment, stable government . . .” Why don’t they have it in their own countries? Simple. Controlled markets and political systems. That’s why I say immigration should be based on the origin country’s level of freedom in politics and markets.
Do yourself a favor and read “The Mystery of Capital” and/or “The Other Path” by Hernando de Soto.
Fire the Border Patrol and the INS and truly open up the border, (effectively eliminate the concept) and those people will get up and walk, drive, take a bus, boat, or plane, and move here.
As far as your fantasy of returning to another form of immigration limitations based on “ the origin countrys level of freedom in politics and markets.” that isn’t realistic in modern post 1965 America.
My desire is to end all immigration across the board, and that is slightly realistic because it does not involve race, religion, or national origin.