You have still not answered my question, so I will ask it again. Are you saying that Jesus Christ WAS NOT fully man and fully God?
Alternatively, are you a Mormon or Jehovah’s Witness? I’m not asking to be confrontational, but it would explain your statements.
Put it this way, the Bible says there is but one God, and the man Christ Jesus is the mediator between men and God.
God is the father of Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the Son of God.
God is invisible
Jesus was seen.
God is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should repent.
Jesus is a man and is repeatedly referred to as the son of man.
God has no beginning or end.
Jesus had genesis (the word used for birth) and died on the cross.
God cannot be tempted with evil.
Jesus was tempted in all ways.
You can say what you want but when you agree with the Bible you are right and when you disagree with it you are wrong.