This case, just like all the others, will quietly go away.
IMHO, about the only shot "birthers" (and I use that in a descriptive, not a derogatory manner) have is for the 2012 elections, where candidates will *NEED* to provide the long form BC by law in various states. Until then, the president has been sworn in and arguing about it is futile. Even if there *is* standing for a case, it'll never get heard. The ramifications are just too drastic.
IMHO - I figure that there's something on the BC that's politically damaging, rather than illegal. Really, does anyone think that the people who voted for BO *care* if a piece of the Constitution was circumvented? Or if there's an obscure citizenship law in HI that provides BC's for people born out of country?
Nah, it has to be something simple, that would really sink BO's boat. Something like listing him as "Caucasian", or that his Dad wasn't who he said it was, or something.
Stuff that the room-temp-IQ voters that support him will understand. And care about. And, it has to be explained in a dozen one-syllable words, or less.
He's a damn who the hell knows where he was born.
The ramifications of a Constitutionally unqualified usurper beling allowed to squat in the White House are much, much worse.
Please name a state that requires a "long form" birth certificate.