Too bad the authorities were not as zealous in pursuing the Islamofascist murderer at Ft. Hood as they were in going after these militia groups.
On another site, (my Tea Party site in Rockland County NY)
I analyzed this whole thing in detail, and pointed out that
since both the KSM trial and the Ft. Hood/Maj. Hasan trial have been pushed offstage for a good long time, it is THIS trial that will be pushed center-stage. I think they’ll play it by ear on how far they can push it to try to create a Big CHill for anti-Obama dissent, but push it they will.
It will be exploited for every ounce of fear that can be squeezed out of it. These “Hutarees”, mostly innocent or mostly guilty, will probably be the entree on every night’s mouthwatering plate of news by the likes of Matthews and Geraldo, as they try to push the idea that our very civilization was and is at stake, and we’d better punish the Right Wing Christians NOW, before they grow. Of course, they WANT them to grow, so a REAL crackdown can be initiated, but they’ll never tell you that. We’re in for some interesting times.’
This I am fairly sure about: the trial of these militia people has MAJOR priority over both of the others.