i spent a lot of time up there in the 80’s doing politics, northern Maine. plenty of Bible Belt Dems. Similar to northern W.VA. .... trending against Obama since the beginning ... sure they went heavy for Hillary in caucus.
combine that with the French Catholic folks ... and it could be a trainwreck for DEMS. Maybe the French have a high awareness of ObamaCare because of their relatives across the border.
Good point re: French-Canadians “Downeast” and Obamacare.
I’ve always found it curious that the blue-collar Democrats in ME-02 sent a socially liberal Republican like Olympia Snowe (who isn’t even Catholic!) to Congress, and then replaced her in 1994 with liberal Democrat John Baldacci. That has led some Repblican party leaders (in both Maine and DC) to believe erronously that it takes a socially liberal Republican to win, and all of those well funded liberals have fallen well short.
It’s high time we run a conservative.