To: wastoute
Amazingly Obama restarts the Korean War.
This time, though, the route to amnesty is going to be millions of illegal alien draftees.
(PSST ~ pass that one around ~ Obama is going to draft them and send them to Korea by next Winter)
12 posted on
03/26/2010 8:13:26 AM PDT by
("Git Out The Way")
To: muawiyah
"This time, though, the route to amnesty is going to be millions of illegal alien draftees. (PSST ~ pass that one around ~ Obama is going to draft them and send them to Korea by next Winter)Must add: That's why they need you to fill out the census......
28 posted on
03/26/2010 8:27:27 AM PDT by
(Bang,Bang, Maxwell's Silver hammer........)
To: muawiyah
This time, though, the route to amnesty is going to be millions of illegal alien draftees. You kidding? Most of the illegals would haul ass to Mexico.
37 posted on
03/26/2010 8:32:23 AM PDT by
To: muawiyah
“O” doesn’t have the stomach to fight in Korea. It would take him 6 to 10 months just to decide. This isn’t a crisis to him because it doesn’t fit into his Nationalize America Plan.
158 posted on
03/26/2010 10:24:33 AM PDT by
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