It’s all strategy. The timing of the amnesty rally on Sunday, just as they were wrapping up the health care takeover, is a sure sign that every thing they do, every move they make is meticulously plotted.
This CBC incident was planned days before it “happened”. Branding the Tea Paties as racist has been their objective since day one. Now it’s about to be amplified as amnesty comes into sharper focus. The ultimate goal is to make Hispanics a lock-step leftist voting bloc like blacks have become. If they succeed, game over. We have one party rule for the rest of our lives.
The House Hispanic caucus was promised a push on amnesty for their final HR vote. A week before the vote they announced they were opposed to the final bills, then announced Obama promised to aggressively push immigration reform for their vote. I saw the leader say this on Cavuto and Kelly's shows.