Not a good idea.
The assumption that reasonable, patriotic people would prevail is heartwarming but wrong.
In a time when there are enough outright fools, commies, black power creeps, traitors, self loathers, anti-semites and muslim lovers to put an undocumented, half-black, treasonous socialist in the White and give the loony democrats majorities in both houses of congress it would be pure madness to allow any alteration of the Constitution.
It would end up reading like a 2,000 page, grade school treatise on political correctness, diversity, global warming, our responsibilities to the third world, the “rights” of every minority and sexual deviant in the world and all the “bad” things America has done and must now atone for.
(1) It can be limited in scope
(2) 3/4 of states have to sign off. Liberal will NOT fly. Too many scantily populated conservative states in the union.