Somebody tell Stupak he is in the wrong party
[Somebody tell Stupak he is in the wrong party]
No, he is in the right party. He supports this bill other than the abortion language.
This bill has finally brought to light the truth that we all knew all along. There is no room in the Dem party for a person who is pro-life. Stupak has to stand pat or else he makes his whole political life a lie. You cannot say that you are pro-life, say a bill violates that stand and then later cave and vote for that bill. He seems to understand that. I don’t think he will cave.
Some of his group may sell out. If so, they will just prove that life is for sale in the Dem party. And for sale, cheap. People who are pro-life will not be able to support a pro-life Dem as an alternative to a Republican anymore. The term pro-life Dem has no meaning. They either sell out or just get shouted down by the pro-abortion members of the party.
Maybe we should tell the Stupak “gang” we will support them if they vote no. Raise money for them, help them get reelected. I think Stupak’s group are in the cat bird seat if they stick together.
If the Dems go Slaughter then it is war.