Most of the people in New Orleans are welfare recipients. You really think this city has a future?
How many politicians are corrupt? is that my fault? Sure that now Democrat Micth Mary landrieu’s brother is going to be better. that whole family are Marxists. The only thing keeping this alive is the hundreds of millions they stole from the rest of the U.S. in the form of “hurricane relief”. are the roads better? no. are the levees cat 5? NO. is the coast restored? no .
but blanco and the democrats blew most of that katrina money on more charity hospitals and “education” but no coasal restoration while the Gulf the Ocean encroaches on this doomed city ever closer year by year.This city won’t be here in a few decades as the Atlantic will claim its own. I don’t think i’ve ever seen such a pit of corrupt vipers as all of these democrat politicians most of who are in jail , including the jeffersons the whole family. Yeah i’ll leave as soon as i can. why anyone would want to stay in this bed of corruption, growing number of welfare recipitients, with an encraching Ocean, sinking land, sinking city? oh yeah I’m the problem cause i point this out. no . I will try to leave as soon as i can. i have seen other places . this is the worst in the U.S.A imo and democrats have ruined it like they have detroit, California ,new york. etc.
Not really. I also don't think the United States has a future. Or Western civilization, for that matter. So I might as well wait for the end in a place that's real. You'd be happier in a place where everyone conspires in the self-deception that everything's A-OK and getting better. I can't live in places like that.