On the website for “Catholics United,” there is a set of links to Facebook pages of supporters.
“Christina” is a supporter of two different state chapters of NARAL, the pro-abortion lobby. “James” advocates revocation of tax-exempt status for churches who take a stand on controversial public issues, even though other “friends” are writing the bishops to support ObamaCare. “Jason” supports same-sex marriage throughout the United States. Although they claim 933 Facebook “friends,” “Catholics United” only lists ten, so that is as far as my survey can go.
Rosemary Radford Ruthless exposed their position well about 40 years ago. When asked why she stayed in the Church when she embraced neither Catholic faith nor Catholic morals, she replied: I stay because the Church has the xerox machines and you need the xerox machines in order to win the revolution.
(Quoted in The Catholic Experience in America, Joseph A. Varacalli, 2006.)
A so-called Facebook "friend" is more likely a curious hanger-on.