In my heart I know that the only way to save this country at this point is either a revolution, as provided for by the Fonding Fathers, or a civil war. How can this country survive with this out of control government?
Jefferson knew that this would come at some point though. I believe that he would be surprised that it has taken this long. If I remember correctly he expected some sort of armed uprising happening on a regular basis. The Fonders did an amazing job creating this country for it to have lasted this long. I fear that we are racing to the brink. How far off is: “Tis time to part”?
I’m afraid you are correct and that saddens me to say so. So far in our nation it’s just been a matter of how high are taxes or various international diplomacy issues. At this point we are involved in a communist coup and no one seems to care.
Good point. I think Jefferson would wonder what happened to the American thirst for Freedom.