Do I understand that you’re saying that supporters of the health care bill are given toll-free numbers to get to their congress people and everyone who is against the bill is supposed to pay for the long distance call? Is this legal? Who set up the toll-free numbers?
No. Not yet, anyway.
These are just the calling list for Congress who’s on the fence for the bill.
However, you raise a good point.
Right now, a lot of us live in districts with Democrat representatives who will not listen to us, or help us with conservative positions of course.
So who’s to say they will be helpful to us in resolving our healthcare/single-payer issues when they find out which campaign we contributed to, or that we are registered R’s?
Unsettling at the least. Sure they won’t admit to it, but who’s to say the staffer doesn’t notice we’re on an R list and put our phone message at the bottom of the pile?